vCenter 6 Email configuration remains stuck in 1997

On the release of vCenter 6, I was personally very excited to see several email configurations which had not been previously possible. Listed under vCenter Server Settings > Advanced Settings were the following new keys:

  • mail.smtp.password
  • mail.smtp.username

vCenter SMTP keys

One might be led to believe that the ability to configure a SMTP username and password implied that one could also use a SMTP username and password; unfortunately that is not the case!

I have confirmed, after many hours of frustrating calls with VMware Support, that VMware vCenter still does not support email servers which require authentication.

To answer your question about SMTP authentication – I expect this to work in one of the next versions and from my understanding username and password fields are there for that reason, just not implemented under the hood yet.   -VMware Escalation Engineer

This fact is (and has been) noted in VMware KB 1004070 for quite some time, but the addition of the new keys led to some hope. I am told that KB 1004070 is being amended to reflect the fact that the keys “mail.smtp.password” and “mail.smtp.username” are fully without function in vCenter 6.

About: John Borhek

John Borhek is the CEO and Lead Solutions Architect at VMsources Group Inc. John has soup-to-nuts experience in Mission Critical Infrastructure, specializing in hyper-convergence and Cloud Computing, engaging with organizations all over the United States and throughout the Americas.

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